Universal Periodical Examination of Madagascar, Italy, Bolivia and El Salvador    

On the last week of March, FMSI presented four new reports to the United Nations for the Universal Periodical Examination of Madagascar, Italy, Bolivia and El Salvador.

The documents were carefully prepared, over a number of months, for the Brothers and lay Marists in their respective countries, each one of them being supported by other Catholic organizations and the civil society.

During next October there will be the opportunity to plead for them and to position the recommendations to promote the human rights of minors and young adults.

Madagascar: the rights of minors (economic and sexual exploitation, violence, registration of births, children living in streets) and education (access and free primary education, desertion, access to secondary education, quality of the education).

Italy: national institution of human rights; children and migrant young adults; psychological abandonment of minors; right of the families to their choice of education.

Bolivia: participation of children, adolescents and young adults; under-age work; sexual violence in adolescents; violence against women.

El Salvador: pregnancies in adolescents; children and adolescents affected by the “gangs”; education of quality and appropriate infrastructure for learning.

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