The Ukraine-Russia crisis, which has been shocking the world for months, did not break out suddenly, but stems from an open conflict between two countries that started a long time ago.  Since the beginning of the clashes, the conflict has led to a worsening of the living conditions of the populations involved, with a dramatic impact both in socio-economic and security terms, disrupting the lives of entire families with children forced to live in an ongoing state of conflict that has resulted in reduced access to services and the impossibility of access to safe, quality education.  

The global pandemic has further exacerbated the situation, adding further pressure on the already very tried population. 

To date, more than 7.5 million children in Ukraine are in grave danger, displaced within their own country or beyond its borders. 

“More than 14.5 million people are on the run, mothers and children. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, homes are under attack. At least 257 children have been killed and 394 injured as of 22 May, with the real number probably growing every day. More than 20.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance: 5.3 million are children under the age of 18, 3 million of them inside the war-torn country. More than 2 million women and children are in urgent need of life-saving nutritional assistance, 2.2 million are in need of protection, including children and internally displaced persons, and are at risk of family separation, gender-based violence and explosive devices. More than 3.3 million children in need of education, 3.3 million in need of economic support’ (Source: UNICEF).

In such a dramatic and extremely delicate scenario, FMSI  decided to give concrete help. In collaboration with the Italian Red Cross and some parishes in the city of Rome, and thanks to the support of FMSI supporters and the precious contribution of the Military Ordinariate, we were able to launch a campaign to collect basic necessities. At the beginning of April it was possible to deliver to the Parish of St. Hilary of Poitiers over five quintals of basic necessities which will be destined for the Ukrainian refugees in Rome. We collected 120 kg of food, 230 kg of clothes, 50 kg of medicines, 15 boxes containing intimate hygiene goods, 5 kg of toys and early childhood accessories. 

Our efforts have not stopped there. FMSI continues to collect basic necessities to continue supporting the Ukrainian population through essential humanitarian interventions for families and children affected by the conflict. We collect and distribute hygiene kits, food and money for all those in need.

For those who wish to continue supporting our cause, please contact Francesco at FMSI  at +39 3385360289 and/or email 

Thank you to all those who have helped us and to those who will continue to do so.

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