FMSI SUPPORT for the blue marists in SYRIA
Data updated to 21/05. 100% of the funds will be totally donated to humanitarian aid.
Aleppo, already devastated by war and its dramatic aftermath, was further hit by a terrible 7.8 magnitude earthquake on February 6, 2023, at 04:17 local time.
The situation was already extremely difficult: more than a quarter of the population was displaced, and a considerable number of people were living in severe economic hardship. Many families could not afford basic necessities for their children, while the elderly, given the circumstances, were forced to live alone. Added to these economic and social dramas was the emergency caused by the earthquake, which affected the entire population of northeastern Syria, destroying and damaging many buildings that were already precarious due to the war.
International sanctions and the inability to purchase materials prevented their reconstruction, leaving the city in ruins.
“Just half an hour after the earthquake, our doors were opened to accommodate 1,000 people on the first day, between 500 and 700 people the following days. We offered them shelter, mattresses, blankets, hot meals, sandwiches, clothes, heating, electricity to recharge their cell phones, and above all, our affection and a ‘Marist’ heart.”
Br. George Sabè, 11/02/2023
To address this emergency, FMSI launched the “Syria Earthquake” fundraising campaign, which raised €470,275.95 from 538 different donors, 100% of which went to Blue Marists.
Since the night of Feb. 6, the network of 155 Blue Marist Volunteers has tirelessly worked to assist the people of Aleppo hard hit by the earthquake. These funds have enabled the Blue Marist to reach 8456 people, to whom it has been possible to distribute hot meals to those left homeless, food parcels and clothes to cope with the winter season and then the summer season.
In addition, it was possible to send 3 lung ventilators and 3 continuous pressure equipment to St. Louis Hospital in Aleppo.
The campaign had a profound and positive impact thanks to the generous and supportive contributions of numerous donors and supporters.
Transparency and effectiveness in the management of financial resources were key to successfully addressing the emergency in Aleppo and supporting a population in a vulnerable condition.
Last but not least, a thank you to the formidable work of the Blue Marist Volunteers, who despite the fear and difficulties, always remained on the front lines and available to those who needed them most.

100% of the funds was totally donated to humanitarian aid. Any commissions and management expenses was covered by FMSI. Exclusion criteria are established in order not to allow the purchase of weapons, armaments and any goods that may pose a threat to the protection of the individual.