Why partner with FMSI ?

FMSI has been working for 15 years to promote the well-being and rights of children – boys and girls – worldwide. We have carried out 456 projects in 67 countries, allocating over ten million euros for the benefit of over six and a half million boys and girls through inclusive education, advocacy and solidarity initiatives. 

We give voice to those who have no voice: we work with the United Nations to guarantee the full enjoyment of their rights to those who live in conditions of economic and social vulnerability in the peripheries of the world, geographical and existential. 

FMSI promotes transparency and legality in the use of the funds received as an act of responsibility towards those who support the Foundation’s activities. In accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, although FMSI does not have the regulatory obligation, it has its own MOGC 231 Model, a Code of Ethics and a Supervisory Body. 


Your company can really make a difference

With 2,900 Euros

can help us guarantee a food program for a month to 150 boys and girls in conditions of extreme economic vulnerability in Haiti 

With 70 Euro

can help us guarantee the right to education for one year to a boy or girl in extremely vulnerable conditions in Chad 

With 4,890 Euros

can help us guarantee a food program for a month to 200 boys and girls in conditions of extreme economic vulnerability in Madagascar

With 9,990 Euros

can help us ensure the distribution of food baskets for a month to 370 families in conditions of economic vulnerability in Venezuela

With 5,832 Euros

can help us ensure that four physically disabled children in Nigeria can undergo surgery.

…and much more. The Marist Missions are present in 79 countries around the world, alongside the Last. These are just some of the examples we can give thanks to your help.

Contact us for more details and to choose together how to change the world, one step at a time. 

Benefits for your company

  • Reputation and positive impact of socially responsible actions;
  • Engagement with socially-oriented workers;
  • Image return: all collaborations will be reported in the annual report of the organization’s activities, as well as on the FMSI website, in social channels and in publications;
  • Regular information on funded activities and projects; 
  • Training days in the Company on non-profit and activities in Developing Countries.

Other ways to collaborate

Solidarity gifts and solidarity favors, such as, for example: 

  • Extra virgin olive oil  
  • Natural soaps 
  • Scented candles 
  • ….and much more 

Payroll giving. Through symbolic donations (starting from one euro per month), there is the possibility of donating the economic equivalent of one or more hours of work to FMSI  

Foto Maria Rita Pala


Your company can also choose to collaborate with FMSI to carry out small and large projects with us in favor of boys and girls in the worlds peripheries. 

For more information and to identify ways to collaborate together, write to: rpala@fms.it